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Respiratory Illnesses

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Advice on Respiratory Viruses (like COVID-19, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and Influenza)

TitanHEALTH is committed to protecting the health and well-being of our students and our campus community. On March 1, 2024, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released updated recommendations and information to help people lower their risk from a range of common respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19, flu, and RSV.

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The main ways to prevent this are:

  • Staying up to date with the immunizations that are recommended for you.
  • Practicing good hygiene by covering your coughs and sneezes, washing or sanitizing your hands often, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
  • Bringing in fresh outside air, purifying indoor air, or gathering outdoors.
  •  Getting treatment to reduce your risk of severe illness and taking steps to lower your chances of spreading a virus to others.
  • Staying home and  and away from others until:
    • Your symptoms are getting better AND
    • You are fever-free (without meds) for 24 hours.
    • Then take added precautions for the next 5 days.

Additional prevention strategies include:

  • Wearing a mask to help lower the risk of respiratory virus transmission.
  • Putting physical distance between yourself and others.
  • Testing for respiratory viruses to help you decide what to do next.
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If you want to make an appointment to be seen by a provider, please contact us at (657) 278-2800 or make an appointment through the  Titan Health Portal .


Covid Reporting

The University requests that any student who tests positive for COVID-19, is experiencing symptoms they believe are related to COVID-19, or becomes aware that they may have been in close contact with someone who either has tested positive for or is suspected to have COVID-19 report the positive result, symptoms or exposure using the  CSUF COVID-19 Self Reporting Form. CSUF’s COVID-19 Response Team reviews the incident report and provides guidance concerning self-isolation, self-quarantine, testing or return to work requirements. 

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